Day 1
That he might become a holy man of prayer, mature in the Lord, growing in his knowledge of the Lord.
1 Thes 5:23 - May he be holy and keep his whole spirit, soul, and body blameless until Jesus comes.
Col 4:12 - May he be strong and perfect, fully confident of the whole will of God.
1:18-19 - Enlighten his heart to be able to understand the wonderful
future God has promised. May he realize what a rich and glorious
inheritance God has given him. May he understand the great power
(resurrection power) You have given to him.
Eph 3:16-19 - Give him inner strength through the Holy Spirit from Your unlimited resources. I pray that You will be more and more at home in his heart as he trusts in You. May his roots go deep down into the soil of Your marvelous love. May he experience Your love so he can be filled with the fullness of life and power that comes from You alone.
Eph 6:18 - Make him a man of prayer, praying at all times in the power of the Spirit. Keep him alert and persistent in prayer for all Christians everywhere.
Day 2
he might grow into a man of integrity, who works righteousness, speaks
truth in his heart, and walks, sits, and stands only in the path of the
1 - I pray that he would not follow the advice of the wicked or stand
with sinners or join in with scoffers. May he delight in doing Your
will. Let him meditate on Your word day and night. I pray that he would
be like trees planted by water, vibrant, growing and bearing fruit each
season without fail. May his leaves never wither and may he prosper in
all he does. Please watch over his path, Lord.
That he might be a man of contentment.
Prov 15:16 - May he have a fear for the Lord above all riches or treasure.
Phil 4:11 - Help him, Lord to be happy with little or much.
Tim 6:6-8 - May he know that contentment is great wealth. May we both
be content with the food and clothes You provide. Keep us both from
desiring to be rich, for many rich fall into evil desires which lead to
13:5 - May he find satisfaction in knowing that You will never leave
him or forsake him. Keep him from the love of money and let him be
Day 4
That he might learn to take every thought captive, to not be conformed to the world’s thinking, and to think scripturally.
Rom 12:3 - Help him to be honest in his estimate of himself, measuring his value by how much faith You have given him.
Cor 10:5 - May he make every thought captive to the obedience of Christ
and let him break down every proud argument that keeps him from knowing
You. Help him to obey You.
Day 5
That he might daily seek You with all his heart, walking in the Spirit moment by moment, growing in his dependence on You.
Psalm 119:1-2 - Make him a man of integrity who follows all Your laws. Help him to search for You with all his heart.
3:5-6 - May he trust in You with all his heart and not lean on his own
understanding. Help him to seek Your will in all he does. And direct his
Day 6
That he would be ever captivated by my love.
Prov 5:18-19 - May I always be pleasing to him physically and emotionally. Let him always be delighted by my love.
of Sol 4:1-11 - May I be beautiful in his eyes, perfect in every part.
May he desire me as his precious treasure. Help him to value my love
more than the things of this world.
Day 7
That he would be a man of courage.
31:6 - May he be strong, courageous and firm. Help him not to be afraid
but instead put his trust firmly in You, that You will not fail or
forsake him.
2 Chron 19:11 - May he be strong and do Your will! Let him deal courageously in all things knowing You are with him.
Day 8
That You would give him wisdom to lead his family physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
2:1-2, 6-8 - May the way he lives identify him as a true Christian.
Help him to be temperate, serious, sensible, self-controlled, sound in
faith, the love, and the steadfastness and patience of Christ. May he
behave prudently and in all his ways show himself to be a pattern and a
model of good deeds and works. Let him teach what is true and pure with
dignity and seriousness. May his instruction be sound, fit, wise,
wholesome, life-giving, irrefutable, and above censure so that he will
not be discredited.
1:7-9 - Make him blameless, not self-willed or arrogant or
presumptuous. Help him not to be Quick tempered or violent. May he never
be grasping or greedy or a heavy drinker. Help him to be hospitable,
loving and friendly to all. May he always love goodness and be
sober-minded, upright, fair-minded, devout, righteous and
self-controlled. Help him to hold fast to the Word that he may be able
to give stimulating instruction and encouragement in sound doctrine. May
he be able to lovingly refute and convict those who contradict the
Word, lovingly showing them the error of their way.
Day 9
May he always look at the plank in his own eye before seeing the speck in another’s eye.
Matt. 7:3 - Help him not to judge others, instead may he be merciful and forgiving.
4:11-12 - Help him not to speak evil against another or criticize or
condemn. May he obey Your laws and allow You to do the judging.
Day 10
That he might become a called man, not driven, with well-thought through and prayed through goals in his life.
Cor 9:24-27 - Help him to run the race so he may win. May he practice
strict self-control for the eternal prize. Show him how to run straight
for the goal with purpose in every step, never missing a step. May he
discipline his body, training it to do as it should so he will not be
Day 11
he may be a man of prayer, guarding his heart and mind, putting into
practice the biblical things he has heard, seen, and learned.
4:8-9 - Help him to fix his thoughts on what is true, honorable, and
right. Keep his thoughts pure, lovely, and admirable. Focus his thinking
on excellent things and praiseworthy things. Help him to put into
practice all he has learned. Please give Him Your peace.
Day 12
That he might stand firm against the schemes of the devil and resist Satan in all circumstances.
6:10-18 - Help him to be strong in Your mighty power. Let him put on
the armor that he might stand strong against all Satan’s strategies and
tricks. Help him to remember to depend on You to do warfare against all
the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against the powers
of darkness who rule this world and the wicked spirits in the heavenly
realm. Keep him standing firm to resist evil in and after battle. With
the belt of truth let him stand firm. Clothe him in Your righteousness.
Let him walk in peace and be fully prepared for wherever You lead him.
May he use the faith You have given him to shield himself from the
enemy’s attacks. Guard his thinking with the blood of Jesus and let him
find protection and defense in the Word. Keep him always in prayer in
the power of the Holy Spirit. Keep him alert and persistent in prayer
for all Christians everywhere.
James 4:7 - Let him humble himself before You and let him resist the devil so he will flee from him.
Day 13
he might grow in spiritual maturity by putting away childish things,
cultivating understanding, striving after the Christ ideal, partaking of
the deeper truths of the gospel, and overcoming temptation.
I Cor 13:11 - May he put away childish things.
I Cor 14:20 - May he not be childish in his understanding but wise and mature.
4:13-14 - Bring him to a place of unity in his faith and knowledge of
Your Son, so that he will be mature and full grown in You, measuring to
Christ’s stature.
Heb 5:14 - May he recognize the difference between right and wrong and do what is right in all situations.
John 2:14 - May he know in maturity, You- Father, Christ and Holy
Spirit. May Your Word live in his heart and give him victory over the
enemy in his life.
Day 14
That he might make me holy, cleaning me by the washing with water through the Word.
5:26 - May he love me with the same love Christ showed the church. He
gave himself up for her to make her holy and clean, washed by the Word.
Tim 4:11-13 - May he teach Your Word in truth, insisting that everyone
focus on reading the scriptures and learn them. Let him be an example in
his love, faith, and purity, always encouraging.
Day 15
That he would learn not to depend on his circumstances for happiness but on You alone.
Day 16
That he would be a man who enters into spiritual warfare.
Cor 10:3-5 - May he not wage war by human methods, but help him to
knock down the devil’s strongholds with Your mighty weapons. May he use
Your weapons to break down every proud argument that keeps people from
knowing You. Help him to use these weapons to conquer their rebellious
ideas and teach them to obey Christ.
Thes 5:8 - Let him think clearly and live in the light. Protect him by
the body armor of faith and love. Let him wear as his helmet the
confidence of his salvation.
Day 17
That he might have a new strength in the midst of his busy schedule, and that You might infuse him with Your strength.
40:31 - That he might wait on You and find new strength. Let him rise
above the strength of this world and be able to run the race without
getting tired of it. Make his daily walk with You consistent without
3:16-19 - Give him inner strength through Your Spirit from Your
unlimited resources. I ask that You will be more and more at home in his
heart as he trusts in You. May his roots go down deep in the soil of
Your marvelous love. Give him the power to understand how wide, high,
and deep Your love really is. Let him experience Your love so he may be
filled with life and power that comes from You alone.
Day 18
That he might have a burden to see lost people come to Jesus as Lord and Savior.
28:16-20 - Help him never to doubt You. As a follower of Yours, help
him accept the authority You’ve given him and make disciples everywhere
he goes. May he teach others to obey You. Assure him that You are always
with him.
Matt 5:13-16 - Help him to be salt and light so everyone who sees You in him will give You praise.
Day 19
That he would be kept from fools, and that his friends would be men and women who walk with You.
Prov 13:20 - Keep him on the path of wisdom so that he will not suffer harm.
Prov 2:20-22 - May he follow good and righteous examples.
Col 2:8-10 - Guard him from being led astray with empty philosophy and worldly thinking.
Day 20
That his self-image might be a reflection of Your thoughts toward him.
Eph 1:17-19 - Give him spiritual wisdom and understanding that he might grow in his knowledge of You.
Rom 12:3 - Help him to be honest in his evaluation or estimate of himself.
139 - Give him the peace and trust to know that You know everything
about him, when he sits, stands, his thoughts, the path ahead of him,
where to stop and rest, what he will say before he says it. Bless him
with Your hand of blessing, and help him to remember that You both
precede and follow him. Let him experience moment by moment, Your
guiding hand strengthening and supporting him. Let him enjoy who he is
and how You have created all of him marvelously. Let him rest in the
fact that You have ordained his life from the beginning of time and that
You never stop thinking about him. Destroy the things in his life that
would destroy him or hurt him. Put out anything that would get in the
way of a deeper walk with You. Give him discernment to know what is evil
and what is not. Point out to him anything in his life that offends You
and lead him along the path of everlasting life.
Day 21
That he might be a man who is responsible for his family’s spiritual growth.
4:1-14 - Help him to pay attention to You and Your teaching. May he
learn to be wise and develop good judgment. Help him not to forget Your
words or turn his back on Your wisdom. Let him grow in wisdom so it may
guard him. As he prizes and embraces wisdom, may he be honored by You.
Lead him in Your paths and grant him a good long life. Don’t allow him
to stumble but help him to carry out Your instructions and not forsake
them. Help him not to do as the world leads but to follow You always.
Day 22
That he might not be deceived into unbelief, sin, or bitterness.
2 Cor 11:3 - Keep him from being led away from his pure and simple devotion to You.
Luke 21:8 - Guard him from being misled and give him discernment.
John 17:15-17 - Keep him safe from the evil one. Purify him by teaching him Your words of truth.
3:12-14 - Guard his heart from evil and unbelief. Keep him from being
deceived by sin and hardened against You. May he be faithful to the end,
trusting in You so that he may share in all that belongs to Christ.
Day 23
That he might learn to love as You have commanded.
Cor 13:4-7 - May he learn to love as You do. May he be patient and
kind, not jealous, boastful, proud, or rude. Help him not do demand his
way. Help him not to be irritable and not to keep account of when he has
been wronged. May he always rejoice when truth wins out and never be
glad when there is injustice. May he never give up on loving anyone. May
he always keep the faith and hope and endure through all circumstances.
12:8-10 - May he be an encouragement to others and share generously of
his resources. May he take his leadership responsibilities seriously.
Help him to cultivate the gift of kindness to all men. May he really
love others and not just pretend. May he stand for what is good and hate
evil. May he love with genuine affection and delight in honoring
others. Give him an enthusiasm for serving You and never be lazy in his
Eph 5:25 - May he love me as You do. You gave Your life to make Your church holy and clean.
Day 24
the fruit of the Spirit might be exhibited more and more in his life,
visible to his family, friends, co-workers, and those who do not know
5:22-23 - May his life be controlled by the Holy Spirit. May love
overflow for all. May he have inner joy and peace. Make him a patient
man, slow to get angry and frustrated. May he perceive what kindness is
in every situation. Let him be good and faithful in all his dealings.
Teach him how to be gentle and to have self-control in all areas of his
John 15:8 Make him a true disciple who bears much fruit and gives glory to You.
Day 25
That he might grow in humility and in being a shepherd.
Peter 5:2-8 - May he care for the flock You have given him to shepherd
(children, family, church groups, etc.). May he do it willingly not
grudgingly. Put within him a desire to serve You for Your glory. May he
lead by good example, and please reward him for it when he comes into
Your kingdom. Help him to accept the authority of the elders and may he
serve with all humility.
Day 26
That he might grow daily in character.
Peter 1:5-8 - Help him to apply the benefits of Your power and promises
to his life. May his faith produce a life of moral excellence, which
leads to knowing You better. As he knows You better, may he be more and
more self-controlled and patiently endure all which leads to godliness.
Godliness leads to more love for other Christians and all people. Please
make him godly and loving so he may be productive and useful in his
knowledge of You.
Day 27
That he might keep a clear conscience.
Peter 3:16-18 - Make him gentle and respectful in his sharing with
others. Keep his conscience clear and help him to live above reproach so
his witness will be a testimony of Your presence in him.
I Tim 1:5 - Fill him with Your love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and sincere faith.
Day 28
That You will protect him, guarding his course.
Prov 2:8 - Guard his path, protect him as he follows You. Lead him so he may find the right course of action in every situation.
25:4-5 - Point out the path for him to follow, lead him by Your truth,
and teach him Your ways, for You are the God who saves. May he always
put his hope in You.
Ps 66:9 - Keep his life in Your hands and keep his feet from stumbling.
Day 29
That he might learn to manage his time well.
Day 30
That You would put a song in his heart.
Ps 33:3 - Put a new song in his heart- a song of praise to You.
Ps 40:3 - May this new song of praise to You be so visible that it will be a testimony to others so they will come to know You.
Job 35:10 - Give him songs in the night that his sleep may be peaceful.
Day 31
That he may have a holy fear of You, O Lord.
Ps 34:11 - Give him ears to hear You and teach him the fear of the Lord.
Ps 111:10 - Make him wise to know reverence for You and obedience to You.
Prov 9:10 - Help him to fear You that he may be wise. May he know You so he may have understanding.